The Gallery

A pictorial journal of...

My Pontiac

click on thumbnails to enlarge

unit  k.JPG (8654 bytes)

unit  l.JPG (7426 bytes)

unit  m.JPG (6700 bytes)

unit n.JPG (7214 bytes)

25. showing the 

front end of frame

26. showing back 

end of frame.

27. frame free of all 

components, ready to 

be sand blasted.

28. Don sand-

blasting the frame

unit  j.JPG (6005 bytes)

unit  o.JPG (6819 bytes)

unit  p.JPG (6343 bytes)

unit  q.JPG (6417 bytes)

29. Body Shell waiting

to be worked on.

30. Body floor brace 

badly deteriorated

31. New floor 

braces installed

32. the only questionable 

component of the

frame being repaired.

unit  r.JPG (7692 bytes)

unit  s.JPG (7142 bytes)

unit  t.JPG (6944 bytes)

unit  u.JPG (6810 bytes)

33. frame painted & 

reassembly started

34. Firewall painted

35. Motor painted and 

waiting to be placed 

on frame.

36. Engine & body 

mounted on frame.

rightside.JPG (8701 bytes)

underside.JPG (6218 bytes)

differential.JPG (6544 bytes)

unit  v.JPG (7545 bytes)

37. Detailing of the



38. Completely stripped,

primed, painted,

then reassembled.

39. the Differential

nice & shining.


40. front fenders being 

rough fitted to body.

unit  w.JPG (5749 bytes)

unit x.JPG (5748 bytes)

unit y.JPG (7015 bytes)

unit  AA.JPG (8851 bytes)

41. Showing rust 

damage behind 

front wheel

42. New metal installed

43. Inner of front 

fenders being 


44. On trailer to come 

home showing the 

excellent craftsmanship 

of Don Cram

unit  BB.JPG (7582 bytes)

unit  CC.JPG (5402 bytes)

unit  DD.JPG (5715 bytes)

unit  EE.JPG (6476 bytes)

45. New tires being 


46. New sound absorbing 

material installed on rood, 

quarter panel, & doors

47. installing new 


48. Heater installed,

 wiring ready, waiting 

for the dash.

unitFF.JPG (7080 bytes)

comming1.JPG (23849 bytes)

No 2.JPG (23051 bytes)

49. Rewiring in progress 

under dash

50. by Nov of 2000

things are really 

looking good.

51. front view